The Tools of Dominion

Following the trial against Warren Jeffs, it becomes more and more obvious that the charges against him are a ruse. The alleged victim wants money and uses her rape story to get it, it seems.

But even if Jeffs will be cleared of all charges, it will not lead to peace for his community, as we can see in other headlines we read today:

"FLDS Dairy farm sold at auction for $2M"

"State now targets FLDS police cadets"

...not to speak of all the articles that somehow come away with the idea that the women and children of Jeff's group are victims and enslaved, and need to be rescued. Jeff's group has too much money, too much power to be self-sufficient to be just left alone by the state anymore.

Let me tell you what this looks like from our perspective:

Men and women who come to together under God's plan end up having "power", the ability to take dominion. The state doesn't wish to see this happen, and covets its power, its money, its women and children. This is the case with the Amish, the Hutterites, and also with the FLDS, it seems, though we would not subscribe to their belief since they rely on extra-biblical sources too.

The outcome is nevertheless interesting and proves Gary North's point: God's Law provides the Tools of Dominion.

Properly followed, dominion is inevitable. But since there can be no "god", no law, no power greater than that of the state, the state fights people who take dominion.

We read an article this morning that pondered whether or not people have the right to be enslaved if they wish to be enslaved. Well... Look at society. God's Law is the perfect Law of liberty, while society enslaves it's members as best as possible and punishes everyone who is unwilling to go with the flow and dance with the tribe. People choose every day to be enslaved by society's values, the media and its ideas, "common sense", and other unreliable and changing laws...

Oh well.

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