Warren Steed Jeffs and His Numerous Marriages

"What You Can Learn From the Polygamous Marriages of Warren Steed Jeffs: Warren
Steed Jeffs, the polygamist leader of the Fundamentalist Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints that has 10,000 followers, has
numerous wives and nearly 60 children. These relationships can teach
about the dangers of allowing a person such as Jeffs to have so much
control over others' lives, especially the lives of young girls."

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Anonymous said...

I think Warren Jeffs is sick in the mind and soul. It is unfortunate that he had the power to ruin the lives of so many people and he has actually gone about doing it. Better that he was caught earlier than later and is presently not in a possition to ruin more peoples lives. He should be given the death sentence, anyway he claims he has a place in heaven for himslef. It is time he takes the place!

admin said...

A very emotional comment indeed... Seems like that's what most people base their opinion on when it comes to polygamy and Warren Jeffs - emotions, pictures...

Grace and Peace,